Michael Kuchar

Michael Kuchar
Michael Kuchar
Hi, I'm Michael and my area of expertise is forex and cryptocurrency trading. I specialize in intraday trading of G20 currencies and to anticipate potential market moves I utilize a fusion of both fundamental and technical analysis. My most current interest lays in cryptocurrencies, especially in Ethereum and in decentralized applications.

Basic information

  • Education: B.A in Economics/Business, University of Pardubice
  • Current work: CEO of TradingBeasts.com
  • Contributor to TradingBeasts: Since April, 2016


  • Trading style: Intraday trader / Analyst
  • Favourite assets: EUR, CAD, WTI, Gold

Favourite quote

Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it.

Albert Einstein - Mathematician and physicist, winner of nobel prize in physics

Latest articles from this author

How to monitor and modify your closed trades

[vc_column width="3/4"]At this point we know what binary options are and what types of options we have got. We also know how to create a simple trade, however, we didn't teach you yet how to monitor your trades and how you can work with already closed trades, so let's get straight to it.Where to monitor the success of our tradesAfter opening a new position our newly opened trade will be immediately displayed in a tight toolbar which is located below the chart of our assets. This feature allows us to constantly monitor the progress of our closed trades. In our example, we bought a call option of the currency pair EUR/USD in which ...
09 May, 2016

Types of Binary Options | High/Low, One Touch, Touch / No Touch...

[vc_column width="3/4"]High/low optionsThe basic type of binary options, High/low options have a very easy principle, which can anyone very quickly understand. The only task you have got is to predict whether the price of a certain underlying asset will be lower or higher at the time of expiration. If we demonstrate it on an example, it may look as follows. I buy the high option of the currency pair EUR/USD (therefore I am choosing the upwards direction) at the current price of 1.24231. And I assume that the value of this option will be after 30 minutes and 13 seconds higher than it is now. In case of the value shifts even only a...
03 May, 2016

What are binary options

[vc_column width="3/4"] Binary options are a financial instrument which we can trade online via web or mobile platform. The trader earn money if he makes a correct prediction whether the value of the underlying asset will go up or down in a given time. Under the term underlying assets, we can imagine commodities (gold, oil, silver), currency pairs, indices or stocks of major companies. Binary options are mainly known for their simplicity (Because you need only to make a prediction whether the price will go up or down, but not by how much) and by their limited risk. In order to trade binary options, you do not need to install any ...
29 April, 2016