Cryptocurrency trading - Guidepost

The cryptocurrency market and blockchain technology have so drastically changed since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009 that we are only wondering what the next days, months or years might bring. Will we see Bitcoin take over the financial system as we know it today? Or will be the blockchain technology the answer to complex real estate transactions, healthcare data processing, or hackable voting results?

For now, we don't know. But one thing is certain, we want to be there if/when that happens! If you want too, read our news, guides and tips to join the game-changing market that has been exponentially growing since its inception.


7 ways in which blockchain technology will impact the word

7 ways in which blockchain technology will impact the word

Blockchain has caused up a stir concerning new innovative technology and rightly so as it's set to have a significant impact on our future. Blockchain is set to change many industries such as the way we bank, our healthcare system and deliver secure communications. To understand the real impact of blockchain technology and how it can revolutionise the current system, we need to understand the technologies capabilities.Blockchain is not controlled by a central organisation or person, which is what makes it quite attractive. The way it works is the information is stored across a system of personal computers which eliminates the mid...
22 March, 2020
Is Samsung quietly becoming a significant player in the cryptocurrency and Blockchain industry?

Is Samsung quietly becoming a significant player in the cryptocurrency and Blockchain industry?

For some time, competition between tech giants has been predominantly focused on smartphone specifications and improving features such as camera specs, screen size and resolutions. However, Korean technology giants Samsung, the creators of the Galaxy smartphone range could potentially become one of the most significant driving forces behind crypto and blockchain adoption on a mass scale. The power of crypto and blockchain technology is now accessible and available to more extensive consumers thanks to their smartphones, putting the power in the hands of the people, literally.Over the years, the Android market has boomed and takes...
21 March, 2020
Stablecoins explained - Complete guide

Stablecoins explained - Complete guide

Cryptocurrencies are arguably the most volatile financial asset in the markets today in the markets today and are capable of wide variations in price. This may be great news to speculators on the right side of trades, but bad news for other categories of traders, especially those whose trading accounts are inadequately financed. These price movements can be very sudden and can even create problems for traders in a lot of ways. Imagine withdrawing your cryptocurrency from your trading account and a short while later, you find out its value has dropped by up to 30%! What a shocker.The desire to come up with cryptocurrencies that we...
21 February, 2020
The Good, The Bad, And The Beauty Of Facebook Cryptocurrency

The Good, The Bad, And The Beauty Of Facebook Cryptocurrency

The news about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been spreading like wildfire. But, wait a minute. How many of you knew that Facebook has its own cryptocurrency? I guess not so many. But it's official; Facebook now has its own digital money. And to be specific, it`s a “Facebook cryptocoin.” The coin is still very new in the global market. But according to Ross Sander, Barclays Internet analyst predicts Facebook Coin to accumulate to $19 billion in incremental revenue by 2021; base-case $3 billion. Here are the three new things investors, as well as the public, should know about Social Media Giant entrance into the crypto ma...
27 May, 2019

Navigate the future of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Yes, we are only halfway to the end of 2019, and the conversations and doubts about cryptocurrency have changed. And now the question is no longer whether cryptocurrency is actual money or a 'fraud,' but rather what does the future of cryptocurrency hold-and what does this mean for the world? With over 1200 different coins listed on Coinmarketcap, now is the best time to join the crypto space, because there are a lot of inexpensive options. But wait a little bit.Knowing the Future Is the First StepBlockchain innovation was introduced after the monetary recession of 2008, cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) came up as a solution to avoid reo...
21 May, 2019
Cryptocurrency scams in Australia are on the rise

Cryptocurrency scams in Australia are on the rise

Many traders believe that cryptocurrency scams are a piece of a bygone age. Unfortunately, however, they are more alive than people realise. Many Australian citizens experienced being scammed out of their funds first-hand in 2018. The hit has been so massive in fact that the ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) has reported around a 190% rise in scam activity.Tried and proven tacticsMany people, not necessarily traders of any financial market, will notice the tactics that these scammers are using. Simple methods of cold-calling people, or marketing their services on shady websites managed to rake in more than $4...
30 April, 2019
France on the frontier of EU crypto regulations

France on the frontier of EU crypto regulations

[stm_post_details] The European region is not best known for its development of the cryptocurrency industry or the blockchain industry. While the financial regulator of the US, the SEC is working on defining the blockchain strategy, Asia is famous for crypto-exchanges, Australia is financing Blockchain projects and Africa is one of the leading continents when it comes to the adoption of cryptocurrencies European government seem to be less interested in it. The development of the crypto industry in Europe is going slower than in other parts of the world. However, the situation might be changed as France is starting to pay att...
16 April, 2019
Swing Trading Crypto - The ultimate guide

Swing Trading Crypto - The ultimate guide

Crypto swing trading is a trading style in which the trader opens and closes cryptocurrency trades usually within a few days, and usually never stays in a position for more than 2-3 weeks. Swing trading is very distinct from day trading, where the trader essentially sits in front of a computer screen and looks for opportunities to get in and out of trades within the same trading day.Day trading is a recognized trading style and there are people who actually make a living from it. However, in my 14 years of involvement in the financial markets, I have come to see that most of those who succeeded in day trading were able to do it i...
30 March, 2019
5 Best Free mobile trading apps for Android

5 Best Free mobile trading apps for Android

[toc]Nearly all brokers offer nowadays mobile trading apps where traders can speculate on the price movement of forex pairs, cryptocurrencies, indices, stocks and commodities. Today, we have focused on mobile trading applications that are available exclusively to Android users; here is a list of the 5 best of them (according to us).eToro - Social mobile Android platform Our rating: [usr 4,5] Rating at[usr 4,1] (Rated by: 18 660 users) Link to the website & downloading the app: ([ecp code="Etoro-number-of-people-losing"] of retail CFD accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this pr...
27 March, 2019
How the Combination of Blockchain and Swarm Robotic Can Revolutionize the Future

How the Combination of Blockchain and Swarm Robotic Can Revolutionize the Future

In this day and age of technology, the future has been projected to be fun, and ease as more inventions are being made to send well-designed robots to highly risky rescue missions, advance productivity, raise an army and even take agriculture to a different level. With many advanced types of researches done in the field of swarm robotics, it has been discovered that the emergence of another technology in the name of blockchain technology will perfectly combine and offset the many gaps in the swamp robotics to make the future better.What is Swarm Robotics?Swarm robotics deals with the study of the design, physical body and the col...
21 March, 2019
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