Write for us a guest post about forex, cryptocurrencies or CFDs

TradingBeasts.com is a highly authoritative website which has readers from all around the world. The biggest percentage of them comes from countries like Great Britain, South Africa and Germany. Your article will get direct exposure only to readers that are interested in trading CFDs products, therefore, our traffic has high quality. Your post may or may not be also published on our social campaigns.

We are interested in topics that cover:

  • Forex/Crypto/CFDs articles
  • Trading strategies, tips, advice
  • Psychology of trading
  • Review of brokers/systems/scams
  • Breaking news (connected to the world of trading)

We are very strict about articles that we publish on our website, but as long as they are connected to trading and they are informative for our readers, we are open-minded.

General content guidelines

Unique content - If you want to be a part of TradingBeasts.com family, you need to provide a fresh unique content that is not published anywhere else. We are most definitely not interested in articles that already have a place somewhere else, that's why we check duplicity of every article. If we discover that you lied and that the article is not unique we delete it immediately and we do not contact you back.

Useful - Every article on our website has its readers and that is due to a highly attractive content that our readers find interesting.  We do not publish articles that do not say anything new.

The length of the article - Article has to be at least 400 words long, but we prefer articles with a length of around 1 000 words.

Errors in language - We know that no-one is perfect and sometimes everyone can make mistakes. But if you want our readers to take time and read your work, it needs to be well edited.

Images - Images are more than welcome, we actually prefer to have at least 1 image per post. If you send us image please include a link from which website you obtained it and write us if it can be freely used on our website (license requirements).

Links - Outbound links in articles are allowed, but they all set to "Nofollow". If you want to publish a sponsored article with "follow" links", let us know and we will send you the pricing.

I am interested in writing for you, what should I do

In case you want to write for us, please visit our homepage where you can see the PR Post and Guest Contribution section. In this section, you can submit your guest contributions.

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