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Binary options trading, forex trading, CFD trading and spread betting always involves a high risk of losing the invested funds. In the case of leveraged products (CFDs and forex), losses are able to exceed initial deposits and your capital is, therefore, at high risk. The investor should be aware of all the risks that he or she is taking when trading or spread betting and should only use funds that he or she is willing to lose. We recommend you to familiarize yourself carefully with each investment product and investment before making the final investment decision.


Our website has basically two English versions, one located at TradingBeasts.com/ and the second located at tradingbeasts.com/crypto/. On the former version, visitors can gain a general knowledge of financial products such as forex, cryptocurrencies and CFDs. On the latter version, visitors can find a tool that makes price predictions. We want to make absolutely clear to our visitors that cryptocurrency price predictions displayed on the website are exactly what the title says – predictions, nothing else. No one can predict the future price of cryptocurrencies with absolute certainty, not we, not anyone else. We urge you not to take them as investment advice, we do not hold any liability if you will.


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